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Duplicate SSC Proforma Sri A. Revanth Reddy
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Government of Telangana
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Procedure for applying Duplicate Certificate
The application for issuance of Duplicate Certificate should be made in the prescribed format.
(1) Certificate issued by a Sub-Inspector of Police or a Certificate issued by Deputy Tahsildar as the case may be.
(2) An affidavit in a prescribed proforma on Stamp paper worth Rs.50/- to be attested by Notary / Junior Civil Judge.
(3) A Declaration by the candidate regarding the suspension or cancellation of his certificate previously by the competent authority. ( to be attested by the Head of Institution)
(4) True extract of the Original SSC.
(5) True extract of the Administration Register
(6) Recent passport size photo of the candidate pasted in the prescribed space and attested by the concerned Head of School.
(7) An amount of Rs.250/- through Treasury Challan under the Head

0202 – Education, Sports, Arts and Culture
01- General Education
102 – Secondary Education
006 – Director of Government Examinations
800 – User Charges

25000303001 - DDO Code

Note: If the damaged SSC is available with details of Roll Number, Name of the Candidate, Fathers name and year of examination are legible, it may be sent to this office along with the application, in such cases affidavit and Police Certificate are not required.
Procedure for obtaining Duplicate Memo of Marks / Date of Birth / Migration Certificate.
Representation of the Candidate should be addressed to the Additional Joint Secretary, Office of the Director of Government Examinations,TG, Hyderabad on a plain paper with the following details.
a) Name of the Candidate
b) Father's Name
c) Roll Number, Month / Year of appearance
d) Name of the School
e) Name of the Centre
f) Challan for Rs.80/-(Rupees Eighty only) S.B.I.
g) Xerox copy of Hall Ticket (if available)
h) Self Addressed envelop along with Rs.5/- postal stamp.
As Per Govt. Memo No.1652/Exams/2009,Education(PE.Sec-II) Dept. dt.04.06.2009 Reverification and supply of Xerox copies of valued answer scripts was introduced from March-2010 Onwards. The fee for reverification of valued answer script and issue of Xerox copy is Rs.1000/- per subject.
  • Answer paper will not be revalued
  • Answers awarded with zero marks will be taken into account
  • Unvalued answers will be taken into account
  • Verification and Posting of marks to answers and if they are missed in carrying over to the title page, those marks will be taken into account.
  • Correctness of totals
At the same time the marks will be retotalled and there is change if any, the same will be intimated to the candidate for correction in SSC certificate. The system of issue of Xerox copy is inclusive of recounting.
1) Fee for Regular Candidates for all Subjects is Rs.125/-
2) Fee Upto Three Subjects and less than Three Subjects is Rs.110/-
3) Fee for More than Three Subjects is Rs.125/-
4) Fee for Vocational Candidates is Rs.60/- In addition to Regular Examination fee of Rs.125/- prescribed for SSC Academic courses.
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